A new pastel painting video!


I know it’s been awhile since I last wrote: Cam and I have just returned from a week in Chicago (mostly for a growing-your-business summit) and while there, I just didn’t get to writing. Right before we left, I uploaded a new pastel painting demo to YouTube but ran out of time to write a blog post about it. So I’ll do that now and tell you about Chicago in my next one.


The Pastel Painting


So, here’s the video – just click on the image:


YouTube video of Gail demoing with a limited palette of soft pastels
YouTube video of Gail demoing a pastel painting with a limited palette of soft pastels


So what do you think? Is there more I could have said? What would you like to hear about in these types of videos?? What would be most helpful to you? I am soliciting comments both here and after the video itself. I want to make more videos using other brands of pastels and sure would appreciate any feedback I can incorporate into future versions.


Some people have asked to see the set-up for the video paintings. As you know, I work from life where I see so much more, but this photo gives you some indication of my reference for this pastel painting video:


Photo of still life set up of red pepper and two garlic cloves
Photo of still life set up of red pepper and two garlic cloves on green paper


And here’s the finished pastel painting. The photo looks a bit yellower than the real thing.


Gail Sibley, "Red Pepper and Two Garlic Cloves," pastel, 6 x 6 in
Gail Sibley, “Red Pepper and Two Garlic Cloves,” pastel, 6 x 6 in


This blog’s short and sweet yes?



A Chicago Teaser


Next time I’ll share some of the art that I saw at the Art Institute – just awesome!! I had forgotten how seeing fabulous art can fill my soul.

Chicago is a pretty amazing city. We didn’t have time to see much but we did manage to walk around a bit when we arrived. The architecture is stunning!! Here’s an image that speaks much about the look of the city – new and old together.


Chicago! Wrigley Building with Trump Tower behind


Okay, that’s it for now lovely reader. I’ll soon get started on my next blog – I can’t wait to share some of the art that moved me.


Until next time,


~ Gail


6 thoughts on “A new pastel painting video!”

  1. I love your videos , I hate the fast forward of them . I want to watch the strokes in reg speed . I look forward to your posts .
    I have learned a lot about colors and your presentation is fun!

    1. Hi Sandi,
      Thanks so much for your comments. I am so glad you are gaining something from my videos – the best reward. Interesting aboutyour comment about seeing my strokes in regular speed. I have been thinking about giving short tips without speeding up the videos so your comment rather confirms the direction of my ideas. Thanks!!

  2. je me régale a chacune de vos vidéos ça va un peu trop vite pour moi car je ne comprend pas toutes vos explications mais le visuel est très explicite !!!!quand il y a des images qui montrent la progression c’est encore mieux
    bravos j’adore vos cours

    1. Google translated: “I enjoy every video has it going a little too fast for me because I do not understand all your explanations, but the visual is very explicit !!!! when there are pictures that show the progression is even better
      cheers I love your course”

      Merci beaucoup Suzy!
      One of these days, I will have transcriptions along with the video. You can then take that and pop it into google translate and, voilá, you have the info. One of these days, I also plan on creating much slower videos so you can watch my process. They will be available for sale on my website for a nominal price.

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