My 100th post!! – A new pastel painting video and a plea for Kurelek


Celebrating 100 blog posts!!


Wow – 100 posts. I can hardly believe it! I think that’s something worth celebrating. I remembered when I first started blogging I wasn’t sure what in the world I was going to write about. It was all such a new idea to me. Well, within a few months, I got in the rhythm and now there’s sooooo much I want to write about but gosh darn it, there’s just not enough time!



A New Pastel Painting Demo Video


I am happy to say that I have another pastel painting demo video up on YouTube. It touches on how to paint a metal object and shows how important it is to understand values. I’d sure appreciate if you would view it and hopefully click Like under the video. Adding a comment or asking questions about it would be a bonus! You can do that either under the video on YouTube or by replying or commenting to this blog. Any feedback would be fantastic!



Click on the image to see the video!
Click on the image to see the video!

William Kurelek’s The Maze


I invite you to join me in supporting the completion of a documentary called William Kurelek’s The Maze. The director, Nick Young, contacted me after reading my blog about the show, ‘William Kurelek: The Messenger’ (click here to read that blog). He and his bother Zack are looking for funding to complete the film and to make an additional film, Out of the Maze, and so have their project up on Kickstarter (an online venue to help creatives promote and request funding for their projects – to read more, click here).

Go here to read more about The Maze project, see the film’s trailer, and pledge a donation (you only pay if they meet their funding goals). For each donation level, Nick and Zack offer you something in return. So click here to help them out. Yup I’m a believer in this project.

And I’ve already have made my pledge of $25.

Every little bit counts!!!

And TIME Is running out. There are only 7 days to go. We have until Monday 25 November, noon EST before they are out of luck.

They are halfway to their goal of $50,000. Let’s help them succeed!!!!



Here’s the painting; it’s pretty bizarre!

William Kurelek, "The Maas Maze," 1971, mixed media on panel, 35.75 x 47.75 in, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
William Kurelek, “The Maas Maze,” 1971, mixed media on panel, 35.75 x 47.75 in, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York



Next Time….


Next time, I’ll be pondering the question: Is a pastel artwork a painting or a drawing? (If you are a regular reader, you already know how I feel about that!)


As always, feel free to forward this post to anyone you think may enjoy it. The more the merrier!!


Until next time,


~ Gail


2 thoughts on “My 100th post!! – A new pastel painting video and a plea for Kurelek”

  1. really enjoyed the video and the comment about look and see while it is very fundamental most of us never analyse what we are doing in the act of seeing if that truly makes sense keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks Sandy. Love that you picked up on the look/see idea. It is fundamental to creating and also fundamental to life I think!

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