Tag: pastel painting

Is it a Painting or a Drawing? The debate over the status of pastels

Recently on the Pastel Society of America (PSA) Facebook page, a conversation was initiated by someone who had had work rejected from an exhibit because as a pastel, it was considered a drawing by the organizers and the show only accepted paintings. You can imagine the furor that started in this pastel group!   So

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A new pastel painting video and off I go to IAPS

Pastel painting video   Over the last couple of days, I’ve been working at getting another pastel painting demo video up. And it’s done! Just click on the image to see it. I certainly would appreciate a like and a share and certainly comments or any questions – just write them up under the video.

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Pastel painting video (red bra) and a look back at 2012

  It’s the evening of Sunday 30th of December as I write. All is quiet and the moon, spied once or twice through a parting of the clouds, still looks full. The sidewalks are empty and there is little movement on the streets. There is a hush in the air, expectant perhaps, as we move

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