Making the effort …. a new video



Making the Effort…


I haven’t been scottish country dancing in ages. Last night, there was a Spring dance and I knew it would be a smart thing to go (you know – exercise, social interaction, mental stimulation, fun, all those good things) but the lazy, I’m-comfortable-here-at-home-thank-you-very-much inclination was upon me. It took self-talk and effort to dress up, get in the car and drive the 15 minutes to the venue. But that’s what I did and the effort paid off. I had a fabulous time! And I was reminded how much I love to dance.


A New Video


The same effort is sometimes required to show up in the studio and the payoff is always worth it. The same applies to all the marketing necessary to promote my work. This includes videos. They are an effort to make but it’s oh so satisfying when I complete and upload one. And so I have a new pastel demo for you. It goes without saying that I’d love to hear what you think of it. It’s always a bit nerve-wracking putting out a new video!







We need to put in effort because we want to do it; because it is our privilege and joy to learn, to test ourselves, experiment and experience.

~ Leanne Cadden



Earth Day!!


It’s Earth Day (the 43rd!) so take time, go out for a walk in your neighbourhood – smell the flowers, listen to the birds, admire the trees, laugh at the squirrels, delight in the deer. I promise you, making the effort will be worth it!! (You can let me know if it isn’t 🙂 )


Thanks for being with me on my artistic journey.


Until next time,


~ Gail



PS. Google has produced it’s 13th Earth Day doodle. Read more about the doodle here.


6 thoughts on “Making the effort …. a new video”

    1. Thanks Andrea. I did enjoy the lovely sunny day. Spring is such a wondrous time in the natural world!

  1. Gwen McDonald

    Gail I just love watching your pastels come to life. Another delightful work of art. Keep painting, keep dancing, and enjoy this beautiful day.


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